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September&October in 3rd Class

Mrs Davis&Mrs Donegan

3rd Class had a very busy start to the new school year and all the boys and girls settled back into school very quickly. The boys and girls were also very excited to welcome a new pupil to their class and gave them a lovely warm welcome!

3rd Class began their swimming lessons in early September in Aura in Drogheda,their first time to go swimming with the school. The children all had lots of fun, in the pool and on the bus!!

We also started to take part in the Daily Mile when the weather allowed. It's a great way to wake us all up in the morning and a chance to stretch our legs and get some fresh air. In Art, we learned about scale and completed some very striking symmetry drawings in class.

In October, we learned some more about our local church in Collon, as it celebrated its 150th Anniversary. We went on a visit to the church to admire the beautiful stained glass windows, paintings and statues.

We learned how Halloween is celebrated around the globe. The children were particularly interested in Halloween in Mexico. Check out our decorated skulls, these are replicas of the amazing sugar skulls you can see in Mexico at Halloween.


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by Collon National School

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